Sunday, September 22, 2024



DEX: 6 STR: 9 BODY: 7
INT: 4 WILL: 4 MIND: 4


  • Super Strength (Cocaine-Fueled): 9
    • Snowflame’s strength increases dramatically when he ingests cocaine, reaching superhuman levels.
  • Fire Control (Cocaine-Fueled): 8
    • He can cover himself in white flames that do not burn him but can damage others.
  • Blast Power: 7
    • Snowflame can channel his fire into powerful blasts of energy, incinerating enemies at a distance.
  • Super Speed: 6
    • His reflexes and movement speed increase when using cocaine, making him much faster in combat.
  • Stamina (Cocaine-Fueled): 9
    • Cocaine gives him near-limitless endurance and allows him to fight for extended periods without tiring.
  • Adaptive (Combat-Enhanced): 7
    • The more Snowflame fights, the stronger and more effective he becomes in battle.


  • Tactics (Street-Level Crime): 6
  • Leadership (Cartel Operations): 6
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: 7
  • Intimidation: 8
  • Streetwise (Drug Trade): 7


  • Fearless: Snowflame’s extreme confidence, fueled by cocaine, makes him reckless but also immune to fear.
  • Drug Empowerment: His powers are entirely fueled by cocaine, making him extremely dangerous while under its influence.
  • Psychological Manipulation: His erratic behavior and aura of insanity often unnerves his opponents, giving him a psychological edge.


  • Cocaine Dependence: Snowflame is entirely dependent on cocaine to access his powers. Without it, he loses his superhuman abilities and becomes vulnerable.
  • Unstable: Prolonged use of cocaine has damaged his mind, making his actions unpredictable and irrational.
  • Reckless: His overconfidence leads him into situations where he underestimates his enemies, relying too heavily on his powers.


  • Cocaine Supply: Snowflame always carries a supply of cocaine, often using it mid-fight to enhance his powers.

Wealth: 7


Snowflame is a drug lord with a deadly and unique power: his strength and abilities increase whenever he ingests cocaine. He first appeared in New Guardians #2 (1988), where he led a drug cartel and used his cocaine-fueled powers to battle the New Guardians. After initially defeating the team, he was presumed dead after being thrown into an exploding shed by his own men. Snowflame's flamboyant and dangerous personality was driven by his addiction, making him unpredictable and highly volatile in combat.

Snowflame’s powers appear to be directly linked to cocaine use, as he becomes significantly stronger, faster, and more resistant to damage when under the influence of the drug. He can also engulf himself in white flames, which he can control to burn his enemies or launch as fire blasts. Despite his formidable powers, Snowflame's reliance on cocaine makes him vulnerable when deprived of his drug, and his mental instability often leads to reckless decisions.

Friday, September 20, 2024

CW's The Count (Cecil Adams)



The Count (Cecil Adams)

DEX: 4 STR: 3 BODY: 3
INT: 6 WILL: 5 MIND: 5


  • Toxicology (Drug Creation): 9
  • Medicine (Pharmaceuticals): 7
  • Stealth: 6
  • Persuasion (Intimidation): 7
  • Thief (Deception): 5
  • Streetwise: 7


  • Inventor of Vertigo: His creation of the drug gives him a large network and influence over Starling City's underworld.
  • Drug Immunity: Due to prolonged exposure, The Count is immune to the effects of Vertigo, allowing him to manipulate and control his victims without suffering the same consequences.
  • Intelligent Manipulator: His high intelligence allows him to outwit those around him, using Vertigo and his understanding of human weakness to gain control.


  • Psychological Instability: After being injected with a lethal dose of his own drug by the Hood, Cecil was left with severe mental damage, bordering on madness.
  • Obsessed with Vertigo: His obsession with his drug leads to reckless behavior, as he continues to experiment and push the limits of its effects.
  • Ruthless: He has no qualms about killing innocent people to test or distribute Vertigo, often torturing them for his own amusement.


  • Double-Needle Syringe:
    • [BODY: 2, EV: 4, Range: 1]
    • His signature weapon, used to inject victims with experimental doses of Vertigo.
  • Vertigo Pills:
    • [BODY: 3, Effect: Confusion (8), Hallucination (7)]
    • The drug's effects cause disorientation, confusion, and in some cases, psychosis.

Wealth: 5


Cecil Adams, known as "The Count," rose to power in Starling City's criminal underworld through his sadistic use of Vertigo, a drug he personally designed. His willingness to experiment on the vulnerable—prostitutes, vagrants, and others on the margins—earned him a fearsome reputation. The drug's effects left a trail of destruction in its wake, as users suffered hallucinations and confusion, often leading to their deaths. His experiments earned him the nickname "The Count," a reference to Dracula due to the double puncture marks on his victims' necks.

In Season 1 of Arrow, The Count becomes a personal enemy of Oliver Queen (The Hood) after his sister, Thea, nearly dies from Vertigo. Despite being injected with a potentially fatal dose of his own drug, The Count survives, though it leaves him mentally unstable. Even after his initial defeat, Vertigo continues to plague Starling City, thanks to Dr. Webb, who frames The Count while upgrading the drug formula. The Count’s lingering influence and personal vendetta against the Hood make him one of the few villains to return.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

CW's Arsenal (Roy Harper)

Dex:   5   Str:   4   Body:    4
Int:   5   Will:  5   Mind:    4
Infl:  5   Aura:  4   Spirit:  4
Initiative: 15   Hero Points: 20

Real Name: Roy Harper
Age: 27 (Born 1991)
Marital Status: Single
Aliases: Arsenal, Red Arrow (unofficially)
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Mechanic
Wealth: 4

Classification: Human, Vigilante

Origin: Arrowverse (CW)

Skills: Acrobatics*: 6, Detective: 5, Gadgetry: 3, Martial Artist: 4, Military Science (Danger Recognition): 5, Thief (Security Systems, Stealth): 5, Vehicles: 5, Weaponry (Archery): 6

Advantages: (Connections) Green Arrow, Thea Queen; Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (arrow construction)

Drawbacks: Secret Identity

Longbow [BODY 04, Projectile weapon: 03, Range: 08, Ammo: 01, R#02. Bonuses & Limitations: Bow Advantage (actual Range is 05), Limitation: Low Penetration].
Quiver [BODY 02, Projectile Weapon: 03, Ammo: 36, Limitation: Ammunition load for his bow].
Arrows (x36) [BODY 02, EV 03, Bonus : EV can be Combined with whatever specialty arrowhead is fitted on them, Drawback : Grenade Drawback. Red Arrow has both hunting and blunt arrowhead, and thus can select Killing or Bashing Combat at will].

*Source: for Equipmemt

Designer Notes: I based this write up of how he is on theCW Show, I dropped a few of his stats from the real Arsenal, and dropped a lot of background which didn't fit due to the current story line on Arrow. While he wasn't the "Red Arrow" it was joked about among the characters. I may revisit him for a write up of when he was on Mirakuru and give him the superhuman stats and abilities.

CW's The Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)

Dex:   8   Str:   4   Body:    5
Int:   5   Will: 10   Mind:    7
Infl:  8   Aura:  6   Spirit:  8
Initiative: 21  Hero Points: 100

Real Name: Oliver Queen
Age: 33 (Born May 16, 1985)
Marital Status: Married
Aliases: The Hood, The Arrow, Al Sah-him
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Former Billionaire, Former Mayor Star City 
Wealth: 17

Classification: Human, Vigilante, (former) Mayor of Star City, Leader of Team Arrow, Leader of the League of Assassins, CEO of Queen Consolidated

Origin: Arrowverse (CW)

Skills: Acrobatics: 6, Charisma: 8, Detective: 4, Evasion: 8, Gadgetry: 5, Martial Artist: 7, Medicine (first aid): 4, Military Science (Camouflage, Tracking): 9, Thief (Stealth): 8, Vehicles (Land): 4, Weaponry(Other Missile weapons): 10

Family: Felicity Smoak (Spouse), Thea Queen (Half-Sister), Moira Queen (Mother, Deceased), Robert Queen (Father, Deceased).

Advantages: (Connections) Dinah Lance (aka Black Canary II), Shado, Roy Harper (aka Arsenal), Slade Wilson (Death Stroke), Laurel Lance (Black Siren), Curtis Holt (Mister Terrific), Rene Ramirez (aka Wild Dog)

Drawbacks: Secret Identity, Emotional Decision Making

Equipment*: Longbow [BODY 5, Projectile Weapon: 4, Ammo: 1, Rec. STR:4, R#2, Bow Advantage (actual EV is 5, actual Range is 8, Limitation: Low Penetration] and 30 arrows.


Various "Trick" Arrows*
Acetylene Arrow [Body: 1, Heat Vision: 8, R#: 2]
Acid Arrow [Body: 1, Acid: 8, R#: 2]
Bola Arrow [Str: 8, Body: 10, R#: 2]
Boxing Glove Arrow [Body: 1, EV: 8, R#: 2] Bashing Combat
Cryonic Arrow [Body 1, Ice Production: 8, R#:2]
Drill Arrow [Body: 1, EV: 9, R#: 2] Killing Combat
Explosive Arrow [Body: 1, Bomb: 8, R#: 2]
Extinguisher Arrow [Body: 1, Flame Control: 8, R#: 2]
Flash Arrow [Body: 1, Flash: 8, R#: 2]
Glue Arrow [Body: 1, Glue: 8, R#: 2]
Grappling Hook Arrow [Str: 8, Body: 1, R#: 2] 5 AP line attached
Handcuff Arrow [Str: 8, Body: 1, R#: 2]
Jet Arrow [Str: 5, Body: 1, Flight: 5, R#: 2]
Magnetic Arrow [Body: 1, Magnetic Control: 8, R#: 2]
Net Arrow [Str: 8, Body: 8, R#: 2]
Parachute Arrow [Str: 5, Body: 1, Gliding: 5, R#: 2]
Smokescreen Arrow [Body: 1, Fog: 8, R#: 2]
Sonic Arrow Arrow [Body: 1, Sonic Beam: 8, R#: 2]
Tear Gas Arrow [Body: 1, EV: 8, Fog: 8, R#: 2] RAP's lower opponent's Dex

*Source: Justice League Sourcebook, pages 122-125

Designer Notes: I adjusted a few things here and there, such as dropping his intelligence, due to the way he reacts to things on the show and leans heavily on his support staff. Not saying he's not a brilliant mind, but after looking at the chart in the 3e core book, I felt the number better reflected the TV Personae. I also adjusted his wealth to that of a Billionaire and dropped the whole floral artist thing, that didn't fit with the show. Also, I know he hasn't used all the "trick arrows" listed here, but we'd assume he'd have them, as he's shown that he uses these things from time to time. Finally, I noticed he doesn't have a gadgetry stat, so I added him one based on what I thought he would have to fix the arrows he uses and invent the new ones.

CW's Speedy (Thea Dearden Queen)

Dex:   5   Str:   3   Body:    4
Int:   4   Will:  3   Mind:    4
Infl:  4   Aura:  4   Spirit:  4
Initiative: 14   Hero Points: 20

Real Name: Thea Dearden Queen
Age: 23 (January 21, 1995)
Marital Status: Single
Aliases: Speedy
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Star City (formerly)
Wealth: 6

Classification: Human, Vigilante

Origin: Arrowverse (CW)

Skills: Acrobatics: 5, Gadgetry: 3, Martial Artist: 4, Military Science (Danger Recognition): 5, Thief (Stealth): 4, Vehicles: 5, Weaponry (Melee & Missile Weapons): 4

Family: Jasper King (grandfather), Malcolm Merlyn (father; deceased), Moira Queen (mother; deceased), Robert Queen (legal father; deceased), Saracon (paternal half-brother), Tommy Merlyn (paternal half-brother; deceased), Oliver Queen (maternal half-brother), William Clayton (nephew), Walter Steele (ex-step-father), Felicity Smoak (sister-in-law).

Advantages: Lightning Reflexes; Scholar (arrow construction)

Drawbacks: Secret Identity, Haunting Rebirth (Lazarus Pit)

Longbow [BODY 04, Projectile weapon: 03, Range: 08, Ammo: 01, R#02. Bonuses & Limitations: Bow Advantage (actual Range is 05), Limitation: Low Penetration].
Quiver [BODY 02, Projectile Weapon: 03, Ammo: 36, Limitation: Ammunition load for his bow].
Arrows (x36) [BODY 02, EV 03, Bonus : EV can be Combined with whatever specialty arrowhead is fitted on them, Drawback : Grenade Drawback. Red Arrow has both hunting and blunt arrowhead, and thus can select Killing or Bashing Combat at will].

*Source: for Equipmemt

Designer Notes: I based this write up of how she is on theCW Show. This is basically a write up of Red Arrow/Arsenal, but with a Thea twist. It wasn't easy to build her, because I had to guess at things based on what she has done, and the fact she came back from the Lazarus Pit. Equipment, I kept exact the same as Roy's for Arsenal, because, well, it was the same stuff, they both seemed to use it and leave it in the "Arrow lair". Most of her skills come from the training she had with Malcolm Merlyn, which wasn't a very long period of time, but long enough that she got the basics down and was able to show this in while fighting.

CW's Spartan (John Diggle)

Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    4
Int:   3   Will:  3   Mind:    3
Infl:  2   Aura:  3   Spirit:  3
Initiative: 8    Hero Points: 25

Real Name: John Diggle
Age: 41 (1977)
Marital Status: Married 
Aliases: Spartan, Dig, Diggle
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Formerly Mercenary, Body Guard, Owner/Operator of Private Security Force, Soldier (A.R.G.U.S)
Wealth: 6

Classification: Human, Vigilante

Origin: Arrowverse (CW)

Skills: Acrobatics: 3, Detective: 3, Martial Artist(hand to hand combat): 4, Medicine(First Aid): 3, Military Science: 5, Vehicles: 4, Weaponry (Firearms, Heavy Weapons): 4

Family: Andy Diggle (Deceased), Lyla Michaels (Wife), Sara Diggle (daughter; pre-Flashpoint). John Diggle, Jr. (son; post-Flashpoint), Carly Diggle (sister-in-law), A.J. Diggle (nephew)

Advantages: Area Knowledge (Star City); Intensive Training; Security Clearance (Medium, A.R.G.U.S)

Drawbacks: Secret Identity, Guilt (Brother's death); Traumatic Flashbacks (Survivor's Guilt, Afghanistan)

[x2] .45 Automatic [Body 4, EV 4. Range 5, Ammo 7, R# 3]

Designer Notes: So there was no actual write up for this character anywhere for me to compare after designing him up to see if I came close. This character was a creation of the TV show that did make his way into the comics, first appearance being Green Arrow Vol 5 #24 (December, 2013). His stats are pretty much a normal human with slight modifications taken into account for his military background, and the fact he does hold his own when fighting next to Oliver (well sometimes). His drawbacks are based on his character development through out the life span of the show.

CW's Mr. Terrific (Curtis Holt)

Dex:   3   Str:   3   Body:    3
Int:   10  Will:  3   Mind:    5
Infl:  2   Aura:  3   Spirit:  3
Initiative: 15   Hero Points: 20

Real Name: Curtis Holt
Age: 30s (date unknown)
Marital Status: Divorced 
Aliases: Mr. Terrific, Curtis
Motivation: Seeking Justice
Occupation: Helix with Felicity Smoak
Wealth: 7

Classification: Human, Vigilante

Origin: Arrowverse (CW)

Skills: Acrobatics*: 3, Detective*: 10, Gadgetry*: 10, Martial Artist(hand to hand combat): 3, Medicine: 10, Military Science*: 10, Thief*: 3, Weaponry*: 3

Family: Paul Holt (ex-husband)

Advantages: Genius, Lightning Reflexes, Omni-Scholar, Scholar (electronics), Sharp Eye.

Drawbacks: Secret Identity, Guilt (Being a Vigilante destroyed his marriage)

T-Spheres (x4) [BODY 06 DEX 06, Extended Hearing: 04, Flight: 05, Invisibility: 04, Illusion: 09, Lightning: 05, Recall: 25, Thermal Vision: 08, Telescopic Vision: 05. Bonuses & Limitations:

  • Invisibility works against sounds and electronic-based Thermal Vision, Sonar, Radar Sense and Truesight (+4 FC).
  • Invisibility is Usable on Others as well as the T-Spheres (+5 FC) with a Range of 0 APs (-1 FC).
  • Recall works on visual and audible information only (-1 FC).
  • Lightning has No Range (-1 FC).
  • Invisibility and Illusion can be augmented based on the number of T-Sphere’s together. 2 Spheres add +1 to both powers for each Sphere, 3 Spheres add +2 to both powers for each Sphere, and if all 4 Spheres are together they add +3 to both powers for each Sphere (+1 FC each). The Spheres can also augment Mister Terrific’s own Invisibility power in the same way.].


Designer Notes: This character is much different then the one that DC cartoons and comics show. His real name was changed, and his backstory was modified for the show. Since that was modified, I decided his stats would be different as well. I will agree he has a brilliant mind, but he's not as physical and strong as cartoon/comics.