Dex: 10 Str: 6 Body: 7
Int: 8 Will: 9 Mind: 10Dex: 10 Str: 6 Body: 7
Infl: 6 Aura: 6 Spirit: 6
Initiative: 26 Hero Points: 75
Real Name: Slade Wilson
Age: 50 (1968)
Marital Status: Married, Estranged
Aliases: Deathstroke, and the Terminator
Motivation: Mercenary
Occupation:Mercenary; Ally of Team Arrow; ASIS agent (formerly); Member of the ASIS unit (formerly); Captain of the Amazo (formerly); Mastermind behind the Church of Blood (formerly); Leader of his army (formerly)
Wealth: 8
Classification: Human (modified), Mercenary (Ally of Team Arrow)
Family: Adeline Wilson (wife; estranged); Joe Wilson (son); Grant Wilson (son); Shado (former love interest; deceased)
Origin: Arrowverse (CW)
Powers*: Jumping 3; Regeneration 5; Systematic antidote 6
*Powers due to Mirakuru
Skills: Acrobatics 9, Charisma 8, Detective 5, Martial artist 9, Military science 11, Thief 9, Vehicles 8, Weaponry 12.
Advantages: Connoisseurs; Iron nerves; Leadership; Lightning reflexes; Omniconnections, Scholar (tactics); Eidetic Memory
Drawbacks: Age; Mistrust; Physical Restriction (one eye); Rage (Minor, possible lasting mirakuru effects); Traumatic Flashbacks (Possible Mirukuru, Seeing Shado)
Armor (BOD 10, Radio comm 7)
Power Staff (BOD 7 EV 3 Energy blast 11)
Pistol (BOD 5 EV 6 Range 5/8 with removable extended barrel which takes 1 phase Ammo 10, R#2)
Sword (BOD 6 EV 5)
Knives x2 (BOD 4 EV 3)
Grenades (BOD 2 Bomb 8 Ammo 1 R#2)
Flash Grenades (BOD 2 Flash 8 Ammo 1 R#2)
*Source: Based off Equipment in DC Core 3e
Designer Notes:One of my favorite characters, comic book wise and on the TV show, Manu plays this character perfectly and I really enjoy it. So I wanted to make sure he was a bad ass for my world as well.
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